Dienstag, 10. Juli 2018


Another 1,5 years (almost) have passed since my last post to this blog.
And it's safe to say that I've never had a time in my life before that was as intense, as cruel, as wonderful, as fulfilling, as ecstatic as the one that lies behind me. It was a wild ride for sure.
But let me take this one by one.

My former life literally crashed right after my last blog entry.
I tried to fight the feelings inside of me. God knows I really tried.
But I failed miserabely.

In the end I let myself fall and did what became the hardest but still the best decision of my entire life. I left the save life with my fiancee and everything we built together behind - for good.

And it still hurts when I think back of her face, her tears, her sheer desperation.
These memories lie heavy on my heart to this very day, one and a half year on, and certainly will for a long time to come.

Still -  I wouldn't change a thing!
I thought about this for a long time but there just was no other way.
No way without pain, no way without daggering an innocent heart.

So I chose this love that took me like a wave. So irresistible.

She's as much a beauty from the inside as she is from the outside, a true force of nature.
Her laughter and her smile litteraly warm me from inside, like rays of the sun shining through a window. And when the sun kisses her hair it shimmers like gold.
When she enters a room she spreads joy and love.
Often I just can't take my eyes off her. She's just too beautiful to be true.
I never felt so loved by someone, so close to someone.
And I never loved as deep and true as I do now.

Anna became my wife one week ago.

I still need to let that sink in. How can an average person like me deserve someone like her?

And what's even more incredible - we're expecting a baby. It's a boy!
And he'll arrive in September. I can't wait to finally see and hold him in my arms.
He's already so active - boxing and kicking like a champ. And he enjoys music!

Life can't get more exciting than now. I couldn't be happier than now.

And I'm gonna try to soak up every second, feeling eternally grateful for what was given to me...
