Samstag, 28. März 2015

Parting from the past

Tore apart a picture that I shouldn't have kept that long. But today there was no other choice. Which was a good thing actually.
The past is gone. It makes no sense to hang on to /live on a memory.
To live for the moment is something I should practice doing more often and by parting from this picture I did just that.

Also I got Nightwish's new album today. I'm listening to it with my headphones as I type this.
Lots of stuff to digest there - but that's also a sign of quality in music.
From listening for the first time I can tell that the music is beautifully crafted as always. Every song is a wonderfully pieced together artwork with amazing lyrical and musical depth.
Listening to Alpenglow right now. Epic.

What's obvious is that Tuomas Holopainen is a GENIUS. He is one of the greatest composers of this day and age, regardless of genres. Period.

Montag, 2. März 2015

Seize the day.

I like to use this sentence. To me it means to live your life, use it and enjoy it as much as you can.
There are days when these words get a deeper meaning. Today I learned that a colleague of my girlfriend passed away. He was only 30 years old and wanted to build a new home with his wife. While doing so he was hit by a machine and died.

What a tragedy.

I only spoke to him briefly, but I was shocked and deeply saddened.

I always knew life is really short and sometimes shorter than it would be fair.
So although I'd say I'm a lover of life sometimes I think I should appreciate it more.

I'll go tell the ones I love that I do so now....

Sonntag, 1. März 2015

It's been a long time...

It's been long since I wrote here last. When I first started this Blog I thought I'd be able to write on a more constant basis but as always, life may have other plans for you.

Anyway - a lot of stuff happened since 2012. It's getting harder to find the time to really sit down, listen to some wonderful music and just escape from the real. But it happens from time to time and I guess these moments are some of the reasons I love this life.

Although it's rather stressful at the moment and everything is still in motion (new job, new appartment, etc.) I think I'm happy right now. Life always feels like a journey but it does feel like that really intensly right now.
My main goal at the moment is just arriving everywhere I started something new and rise to the challenges these things bring with them.

Very helpful (as always) is Nightwish's music. On their new single Elan (which I like) is a song called "Sagan". The music reflects my feelings a lot...

Hope to write again a little sooner the next time.
