Tore apart a picture that I shouldn't have kept that long. But today there was no other choice. Which was a good thing actually.
The past is gone. It makes no sense to hang on to /live on a memory.
To live for the moment is something I should practice doing more often and by parting from this picture I did just that.
Also I got Nightwish's new album today. I'm listening to it with my headphones as I type this.
Lots of stuff to digest there - but that's also a sign of quality in music.
From listening for the first time I can tell that the music is beautifully crafted as always. Every song is a wonderfully pieced together artwork with amazing lyrical and musical depth.
Listening to Alpenglow right now. Epic.
What's obvious is that Tuomas Holopainen is a GENIUS. He is one of the greatest composers of this day and age, regardless of genres. Period.
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